Monday, October 18, 2004

Ser o Estar

In Spanish, there are two versions of the verb "to be" - generally, the verb "ser" is used when referring to something permanent, and the verb "estar" is used for referring to something temporary.

For example, "i am sick" - being sick is a temporary condition, so we use "estar"

Yo estoy infermo

"I am a doctor" is permanent - Spanish views a persons professional as a permanent fixture - "Yo soy medico" - "i am a doctor".

Other permanent things would be "i am tall", "she is beautiful", "they are Spanish"
Temporary things would be "i am walking, "he is eating", "they are in France on holidays"

Yo soy - i am - yo soy medico
Tu eres - you are - tu eres abogado (lawyer)
El es - he is - el es el padre de Isabel
Nosotros somos - we are - nosotros somos colombianos
Vosotros sois - you (plural) are - vosotros sois Mexicanos
Ellos son - they are - ellos son italianos

TEMPORARY Estar verb
Yo estoy - i am - Yo estoy tristes - i am angry
Tu estas - You are - tu estas enfadado - you are sad
El esta - he is - el esta muy contentos - he is very happy
Nosotros estamos - we are - nosotros estaomos en francia
Vosotros estrais - you (plural) are - vosotros estrais de vaciones
Ellos estan - they are - Ellos estan comiendo - they are eating


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